
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Camera Critters: I Photograph The Twins

I mentioned in the post of July 3rd that one of the does brought twins to the meadow, but I was unable to get good photographs of both together.  This changed on Monday morning when both fawns came to the meadow with the doe.  What a thrill to watch the fawns as they nursed and to hear their mewing and bleating sounds.

Whitetail Fawns Nursing

Once they completed feeding, they played in the meadow for sometime before leaving for the cool shade of the woodlands as the heat and humidity returned with the sunrise.

Fawns Pause From Playing

I never tire of watching their  facial expressions and reactions as the explore the bright new world around them.

Fawns Are So Curious!

For more Camera Critters photographs, Click Here!