
Friday, November 16, 2007

A Break From Elk Season! Female Cardinal and A Wedding

It's time to take a break from the elk season reporting and enjoy a picture of a female cardinal. I have been spending large amounts of time afield trying to photograph the whitetail deer rut, but have not been seeing as many deer as usual. I erected a bird feeding station in a rockbreak near my favorite photography stand. I only see a few species such as nuthatches, different sub-species of sparrows, and cardinals.

Canon 40D-500mmF4 1.4X extender
I have to travel Elk County to videotape a wedding. The happy couple are both lovers of the outdoors and they are going to have the ceremony outdoors if the weather permits, but light snow is in the forecast. This should be a unique experience. After I return I will bring the Elk Hunt Chronicles to a close.


  1. Beautiful capture of the lady! I have found that these girls are very hard to "shoot". I normally have to take a shot thru my sliding glass door... because when I open it they always fly off.
    I have sat at my door with it open and tried....but it's getting bit cold for doing that now.

    Good luck with the wedding!

  2. I read Kerri's comment about shooting through glass. I have shot many of my pictures through double pane or thermal pane glass without any real trouble. I have to watch for inside reflections before I shoot.

    I like your female cardinal picture and noted the extender was used. I still haven't got mine yet but saved all of the information. When Christmas is over I plan on getting it.

    Thanks again for that information.

    I did take some nice photos yesterday of a pair of Carolina Wrens. I was outside and heard them and got my camera and stood around and watched them when they jumped up on the board fence. Nice birds.

    I also posted a picture of a female song sparrow that was shot through a thermal pane window on my birds blog.


  3. Nice capture, these are just as nice as the males in thier own way.
    I like the breast feathers and the grey tips.. Sure are a nice bird to be able to see.
    Hope the wedding goes well

  4. Very nice, Willard. I like the sharpness of the subject.

  5. Nice shot. Yes you did come through my area. I live around 15 minutes from Bald Eagle.

  6. P.S. Did you stuck in traffic yesterday with that terrible crash in front of the Bald Eagle school?

  7. Beautiful! She's either shivering, or wondering who on earth you are :)

  8. Excellent! The 500 has great sharpness even with the 1.4 extender!

  9. No I either came through at a time that avoided it or the school is not along 350. I use 350 from P.burg to Rt 99 instead of taking I-80 to I-99. It has been years since I have been up 220 further north. Is there a village of Bald Eagle further north or is Bald Eagle at the intersection where the filling station is, near the completed part of I-99 above Tyrone?

  10. Willard, I think you didn't go past it. The Bald Eagle School is going to Milesburg and Bellefonte the old way. I think you took the other way.

  11. Great shots there,
    I am an amerture wildlife photographer and there are some really good shots in there, if you want, have a look at my gallery here:

    and feel free to contact me, its great to talk to other photographers

  12. Great shots there,
    I am an amerture wildlife photographer and there are some really good shots in there, if you want, have a look at my gallery here:

    and feel free to contact me, its great to talk to other photographers
