
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Camera Critters: Whitetail Fawns and Hummingbird Moth

Today was an exceptional day for photographing whitetail fawns with excellent encounters in both the morning and evening.

I got the Canon 40D back from repair yesterday afternoon. According to the repair report: They replaced the shutter assembly, cover assembly top and window display, adjusted exposure and focus, cleaned C-mos to factory specs. Updated the firmware. Checked all.

At first all seemed well as I put the camera through its' paces, but then I mounted it on the 500mm F4 and tripod. In this case, I prefer to use a cabled remote release to fire the camera.
I attached the release, pressed the button and there was no response. A quick trial on the 30D confirmed the release was working. Just to double check, I borrowed Salty's release and tried it with the 40D with the same results.

Bottom line, about two weeks without the camera and I'm still not home free, so it turned out it was a wise decision to buy the 30D for a backup camera. To be truthful I like the 30D so much that I feel no loss at being without the 40D. I just hate the hassle of prepping it for repair again.

I do miss the larger and brighter LCD display of the 40D and the fact that it displays the ISO setting in the finder at all times, but when it comes to overall ease of operation and picture quality I still think the 30D is a formidable contender.

Whitetail Fawn: Canon 30D-500mm F4 1/100 sec. f4 ISO 400

The fawns are spending less time hiding now and are traveling about grazing more, so they are easier to see than a few weeks ago. They have also gotten much larger.

Whitetail Fawn: Canon 30D-300mm F4 1/100 sec. f4.5 ISO 400

After photographing fawns this morning, I spent some time in the wildlife meadow with the 500mm lens and a short extension tube, to enable it to focus closer. I was mostly looking for butterflies and did have some success, but I was excited to get my first decent capture of a Hummingbird Moth.

Hummingbird Clearwing Moth: Canon 30D-500mm F4 1/6400 sec. f5.6 ISO 200

These moths are easily confused with a hummingbird from a distance as their flight pattern is much the same.

For more camera critters photos, visit Misty Dawn.


  1. What can I say but, beautiful, as usual. Your work inspires me so much. Keep up the great work.

  2. What can I say? Sorry about the hassles with your 40D, but there's nothing wrong with the photos taken by it's replacement. They are fantastic. Great shots, Willard.

  3. Decent shot of the hummingbird moth? I would call it fantastic!

  4. really really outstanding sandy

  5. I have no idea what you mean when you talk about your camera! But I do know the pics you have here are stunningly brilliant!

  6. Oh, no! Can't believe the camera still has issues...the fawns are to die for - and the butterly moth photo is gorgeous. Thanks.

  7. Nice photography, Willard. I never get to see deer so fawns are a treat to me. I am also interested in that Canadian Thistle (or that's what we call them here) and the hummingbird moth. I would allow thistles like this one to grow here but guess I will have to collect some seed this fall.

    Abraham Lincoln
    —Brookville Daily Photo

  8. Lovely shots of the fawns! They have grown a LOT!!! But that still have that sweet innocent look on their faces :)

    That moth shot is outstanding!! I saw some of these yesterday on a butterfly bush outside a restaurant. Pretty awesome little critters!!

  9. Willard: You made a super capture of the moth. I've seen them and have always been amazed.

  10. These are just breathtaking! I would love to see one of those moths - we have lots of hummingbirds though!
    My Camera Critters Here and Here

  11. The photos are all wonderful. The one of the Hummingbird Moth is mst impressive. We have those around here adn I have yet to do justice capturing a good shot.

  12. Willard... are you eavesdropping on my phone conversations with my daddy? The past two times I talked to him, he told me of seeing a hummingbird moth and how much he had wished I were there to photograph it. I said that I didn't think I had seen one before. Then, I come here a day later for CC and you've posted one! This is SO awesome!!! I can't thank you enough for this!

  13. Gorgeous photos. Hope all is worked out with the camera situation soon for you.

  14. The fawns are indeed very cute and you captured them wonderfully; but I'm really loving the moth. I had never heard of little alone seen one of them. It is gorgeous.
    The photo is so clear and crisp - very well done.

  15. We share a common photo location for whitetail deer fawns. I had one of my best photo sessions in Shenandoah this year. Blue Skies-Ken

  16. Beautiful shot of the fawn. I remember the first time I saw this month it was last summer, and I freaked. We don't have hummingbirds so I couldn't figure out what I was seeing. We ended up catching it and doing some research. It was the first time I'd see any in my 40 years of living in Alaska. Saw lots last summer. Saw my first one yesterday. I can't imagine getting a shot like this. What great photography.

  17. I love all of the color in your hummingbird moth.. WOW I have never seen such a thing. Now THAT is an awesome shot. The fawns are soooooo cute. They just make you smile when you look at them. I hope to see a few when I return to the mainland in early Aug. :)
    Renee :)

  18. Bummer with the camera! But you have a 2nd body, so all's not lost. Gorgeous shots you show!
    Love the Hummingbird Moth!
    Cheers, Klaus

  19. Those are spectacular shots! It has been a crazy weekend. But I am back. Have a great day!

  20. Great shot of the Hummingbird moth. They are really tough to photograph.

    Nice photos and post.


  21. I love all the photos. The hummingbird shot is incredible. Great post.

  22. I'm sure late getting around here Willard.. sorry about that.
    Sorry to hear the camera as to go back again..
    Your pictures of the deers are stunning as always. and the moth.. just about blew me away.... I have seen trhese on Abe's blog... and told him that we have hummingbird moths within a few miles from where I live, but I've never seen one.... the daft thing is we don't have hummingbirds.

  23. Sorry to hear your camera is still not up to par. The whitetail deer out there are so much prettier that our mule deer in Colorado.

  24. The first fawn image is so cute.

    Now, that Hummingbird Clearwing Moth image is Awesome! The clarity and color are really nice.

    1/6400 and his wings are still blurring, Wow!
