
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hummingbirds-Camera Update

My wife loves to feed Hummingbirds and has numerous ones coming to her feeder. She placed some branches on the back deck of our house near the feeders and recently the birds started using them.

I noticed them before the camera broke down and took a few shots. It seems that they are using the branches more and more as time passes, so maybe I'll get more shots when I get a DSLR.

Canon 40D: 100-400mmL at 400mm 1/250 f5.6 ISO 800

Canon 40D: 100-400mmL at 400mm 1/125 f5.6 ISO 400

My luck must be bad, as B&H seldom has a glitch in their ordering system. I received a confirming e-mail, but no shipment notice. I logged into my account and saw that a spare battery I ordered with the camera was shipped on Thursday, but the camera order, which was from the used department, was still in the processing stage. I got the battery today, but not the camera and I Waaaaant a Camera! Waaaaaah, Waaaaaah,Waaaaaah! (Listen to the big baby cry)

I contacted them and was informed that the order didn't print in the used department, but that they would get it out right away with a free upgrade to 2nd day shipping, so hopefully I'll be back in action soon!


  1. Gorgeous Humming Bird shots! The b lack background brings them out so good! Bravo!
    Cheers, Klaus

  2. Well, I hope you get your camera soon. I hate to hear a grown person cry!

  3. It's OK to whine. It's clear that you NEED a camera. You probably see a thousand things a day that you're missing.

  4. Nice shots, Willard. I know about branches. They will land on almost anything if it is the right location and they use it as a kind of place to defend their territory from.

    These are excellent shots.

    I should get the new lens today. Am anxious to try it out.

    Patty and I will be celebrating 53 years of marriage on July 12th. Think of it as a long-term relationship.

    I have invited bloggers to offer suggestions on a gift for me to give Patty and the list would not be complete without your ideas.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  5. Aloha Willard... I love your hummer shots.. WOW.. I have spent the past 5 months in Calif with my parents since my mom and gee my dad as well have been ill. But that is another story. I returned home to Hawaii for the month of July.. HURRAY!! :) :) Anyway, they have bird feeders (something I do not have here in Hawaii) and I had the honor of making sure the little hummers and other tiny birds had food. It was a blast. Although I did not get any shots I got to watch them almost daily.. It was amazing. The speed those little hummers move about is just tooo much. You have outstanding shots. I was considering purchsing a 40d since Canon had the rebate but hmmmmm after reading your posts perhaps I shall wait. I have a 30d and really love it.. although I do have issues with back focus. Hope you get your soon. Aloha, Renee :)

  6. Fantastic hummer pics Willard - you're lucky to have such great subjects.

    I've been considering a 40D for a bit now (currently use 20D)but like Abe, I'm a bit concerned about your "Error 99" code. Mind you I did experience this (on the 20D) recently immediately after changing to another CF card (first one was full). But it did clear itself after a couple of "shots"!

  7. Willard: What a great humming bird photo. I like the second one best because of the bill. Congrat to your wife for giving them a place to rest.
    I hope you can get your camera real soon.

  8. Great shots, Willard. I have done everything right in my backyard to attract the hummingbirds from all the plants to feeders and a safe haven and still no luck after many years. Once again great site, I have passed it along to all my friends. Brad

  9. Hi Willard and thanks for your helpful camera comments on my blog. The "wished for" 40D is to be in addition to 20D as I don't wish to keep changing lenses as often as I do but happy to carry 2 cameras. So..... 40D will be on my wish list! :)

    Really really hope you get yours soon - horrible to be without one.

  10. The pictures are stunning Willard. and I'm so sorry to see you bawling like a baby.. but I can well understand.

  11. Willard,
    I love the black background on these!

    Thanks for what you said in your latest comment, I appreciated that.

    I'm so glad that you've gotten into the "Bloggosphere" like you have. It's cool to see you and Dad enjoying this creative outlet. I can tell many others are enjoying you guys' work.

  12. Those are fantastic! Wish I had your talent. I know I have said that before but you continue to astound me!

  13. Now That is pittiful.. man, maybe we should all call B&H for you and hurry them along. Stunning hummers.. thanks for sharing

  14. The only time I've ever had a problem with B&H it was with the used department. Things just seem to go slower than the rest of the operation. It took them about two weeks to refund me my cash after I returned to them a tripod that they had mis-advertised as the larger model. I still buy all my gear from them though when I'm not rushed for time.


  15. Fabulous hummingbird shots!!
    Sorry your camera didn't come when you expected it! I know if I don't take a picture for a day or two I start having "camera withdrawals". Hope that is not happening to you:)

    Can't wait to see more of your fabulous shots when you new camera comes!!!

  16. I really like the black background as the birds stand out so well.

  17. Wonderful Humming Bird pictures. I have not be able to catch any yet. Sorry to hear about your camera. I know what you mean about wanting to get it. I got the new Canon XSI and ordered it before it was released so had to wait a month to get it. It drove me crazy.... You have a great blogg and will be back to see more.

  18. I found you from Jim Moore's blog. Great wildlife shots! And I can understand your misery at being without a camera, even for a short while. Glad the 30D is a good substitute.
