
Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's Done-Well Almost!

As regular readers have noticed, I have not posted since August 9th, and have been doing very little commenting.

I had a deadline of sorts on the elk video of Sunday August 18th, and it became obvious that I was going to have to greatly increase the time I spent editing. (I do all of the post production work, including research and script writing) Each step of the process is extremely time consuming.

It is now in the can so as to speak, and is 2hrs-35 minutes long, which is more than I had anticipated.

It has taken thirteen years to shoot the video and one year to do the post production-although there were days that little was done.

In the last few weeks it has become a full time job and then some, but I finally was at the point at 3:30 A.M. this morning, that I was ready to burn the master DVD for the second Disc. (It is a 2 disc series)

I am sure there will be some minor tweaks after I get input from a variety of sources!

Here is a shot from the last trip to Elk County!

Canon 30-D: 300mmF4

Due to other commitments I will not be posting or commenting until at least Thursday!

I'll post more information on the video soon.


  1. When you have to work, you have to work! What a novel idea!

    I'm sure you are going to feel so accomplished when it's finished, but I'm wondering if you'll suddenly wonder what to do with yourself and have another giant project going right away.

  2. I have been waiting patiently for the next post. I am just glad it camr.

    Congradulations on completing the DVD, I hope to get an autographed copy some day.

    I did make it to Elk County last weekend and it did not disappiont. I shot many photographs and have begun posting them. I do plan on posting for the next few weeks. When things wind down for you take a look. I am sure you will see some you know. Maybe you can tell me about ugly elk I am going to post on Monday.

    Congradultaions once again and thanks.

  3. I know all about photo deadlines. Your work and images are just such a joy.

  4. Congrats on the DVD!!! When/where will it be available?

    Great photo, too, but then you always have the best.

  5. Cool! Can't wait to hear more!
    Cheers, Klaus

  6. Wonderful news on the DVD I feel sure it will be totally amazing

    Super Photo here today

  7. Wow, congratulations your hard work will pay off.

  8. Congrats Willard! Can't wait to learn more about the availability of this DVD.

  9. Willard: It's great that you're making a DVD of something so close to your heart. I can hardly wait to hear more about it.

  10. wow you are a dedicated videographer. I bet the video is great. The picture of the Elk is great and he is so massive.

  11. Wonderful. I am anxious for you and to learn more about this.

  12. Congratulations! Almost there is a good thing.

  13. A labour of love...
    Hope this finds you well Willard and I hope all goes well will the production.

  14. These are such great photos, Willard. I've never known anyone who's witnessed this in person. Thanks for showing and telling us about it.
