
Friday, September 5, 2008

Yellowstone Trip-Firehole Canyon Osprey

Firehole Canyon is a picturesque spot with beautiful waterfalls, so we traveled through it early on Monday Morning, August 25th. At one point there is a good view of a waterfall. I used the 70-200mm to make the falls appear near enough to be impressive and used a low shutter speed to make the water appear smooth and silky.

Canon 40-D: 70-200mm 1/4 sec. f25 ISO 100

Ospreys are quite rare in our area, and it is difficult to get a good still photograph of one, but we saw several in Yellowstone. Although they were never as close as I would have liked them to be, it was a marked improvement over my encounters with them in Pennsylvania.

We saw this one sitting in a pine across the canyon near the waterfalls and I photographed him while sitting in the vehicle and resting the lens against the edge of the door opening.

Canon 40-D: 100-400mm L IS 1/800 sec. f5.6 ISO 400

I used ISO 400 since I was landholding the shot, to increase the possibility that it would be acceptably sharp.


  1. Looks like some great images from yellowstone, I really like the Osprey.

  2. This being your first trip I would enjoy talking with you about it. I had never been there until 2005 and in a couple of weeks I will be making my third trip there.

    It is a beautiful place and the wildlife is fantastic. I myself go nuts for the bears and moose. Although I have had trouble getting quality bull moose shots.

    Going the time of year I am the tourest are down and the rut season is in swing. You would love it then for the elk, they are spectacular then.

    After visiting Elk County last month I know what to due every other year when not out west for the rut.

    Great shots and I am looking forward to seeing more and hearing your thoughts on the trip.

  3. Both images are wonderful - I keep menang to try to do some water shots similar to yours, but I can't stop looking for the birds. lol The osprey is wonderful.

  4. Nice osprey image. YNP is also one of my favorite places to photograph.

  5. Willard: You are the master of animal photos. The falls is really neat but the Osprey is amazing. I see them but never get a shot.

  6. You certainly did get a clear shot. Amazing!

  7. Great photos. I am enjoying reading about your trip to Yellowstone.

  8. Excellent Capture or the fall... but for me to see your Osprey is a joy... we get the odd one or two each year flying over and sometimes stopping at the lakes nearby... but alas I have never seen them...
    I have just spent some time catching up with the postings I've missed Willard.. As always it is more than a pleasure to see your work and read your posts. I am getting things more organised here and hopefully it will aloow me to manage my time better and I wont have to miss out when you post.

    All the best my Friend

  9. Good work Willard! You caught the Osprey very well!
    Cheers, Klaus

  10. Beautiful falls, INCREDIBLE bird. Very nice post.

  11. I like your Osprey very much. I have not seen one here.

    I like to shoot water so that I can see some of the bubbles in the water. Most prefer it the way you shot it but then I don't see it smooth but filled with bubbles and strings of water. Things like that. I am in the minority here, but I guess that is why they make cameras and lenses different for different people. LOL

  12. Great blog! I love these shots! Do you have the 70-200 f/4 or 2.8?

  13. I like the slow shutter on the falls and that's great composition on that osprey image.

  14. Willard..Wonderful shot.. thanks for sharing

  15. The picture of the osprey is absolutely stunning! Great job! :)
