Saturday, October 11, 2008

Camera Critters-Yellowstone Moose

Often one may look for a species for days with no success and then blunder into an encounter when it is not expected.

That is what happened on our Yellowstone trip. We were looking for moose in The Grand Tetons, and had no success, but on another evening, when we were back in Yellowstone, my daughter wanted to photograph a petrified tree. As we neared the parking lot at the tree, we saw several rangers and a large crowd of people by the roadside.

It turned out that several moose were bedded down among some evergreens. In time two bulls stood up and began feeding and I took several still photographs and a bit of video footage.

Canon 40-D: 300mmF4 1/60 f4.5 ISO 400

For more animal photos visit Misty at Camera Critters.


Dina said...

Such strange and wonderful animals. I hope someday to see a moose.

Michele said...

Fantastic capture! We had one the other day bolt across the highway unexpectedly into the thick forest... he was huge!!
Mountain Retreat

The Birdlady said...

That's fantastic! I would love to see one!

Kelly said...

What a fabulous shot! Wow!!! I've never seen one in the wild!

Jeanne said...

Wow that is an amazing photo. They're strange looking but beautiful animals.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Wow! Very impression creature.

ratmammy said...

what a magnificent creature!

Pea in a Pod said...

WOW! That's amazing capture! Mine is posted HERE. hope you can drop by! Happy CC!~

i beati said...

I am just oerwhelmed by this behemoth of a guy !! sandy

Anonymous said...

What a great capture. I would love to see one of these in the wild.

Carletta said...

Hi Willard,
I can only imagine that this kind of 'capture' is what you search and hope for!
Well done - congratulations on a great photo!

A Blog In The Rough said...

wow, he's a real impressive one, love the antlers
thanks for posting :)

lv2scpbk said...

Oh Wow! Love the photo.

Shelley said...

I really enjoyed your moose shot! Have always wanted to see one!

Christy said...

Love, love, love the moose. It is my husband's favorite animal. I have come to like them almost as much as he does. Wonderful shot.

Anonymous said...

The moose fits the opening perfectly...nice.

EG CameraGirl said...

Funny how when you're looking for something, you can't find it. Then look for something else and the first thing appears!

Brad Myers said...

Good job Willard, I have always been fasinated by the moose, maybe because we do not have them here. I to have spent days searching for them and I have been there often enough to know the good spots but I met with limited sucess this year. My guess is these guys were spending time in hidden lake pond (a short hike from the tree).

I have been enjoying yours and Salty's rut post, and at the same time enjoying the education you guys have given me. I too hope they stay in the no hunting zones. A also hunted for years but after being certain places and changing to the camera I fail to see the sport in hunting some of the wildlife.

I can relate to your story about being a warden. It is a shame when we do something we truley love and enjoy and mismanagement and poor supervision destroys it.

Keep up the great post, I check every day.

Gretchen said...

That is a massive animal. Would not want to get it angry enough to chase me. I used a much smaller animal this week - a white tail deer. :)

DeeMom said...


Jane Hards Photography said...

Marvellous capture. Not an animal I will ever see here.

Tommy said...

wow that is a fantastic Moose. Its a good thing your daughter want to take a picture of a tree... I have really been enjoying you elk pictures and stories.

Corey~living and loving said...

What an awesome sight. thanks for sharing. WOW!
Happy CC!

Misty DawnS said...

This is AWESOME. I've never seen a moose in person, and always wished I could.

As far as your comment about looking for something, but not seeing it until you don't expect it - that's the way it happens to me most often ;-)

Travis said...

Beautiful animal

Gayle said...

That's quite a rack on that bull! You can see a cow and twins at The White House

Tootie said...

Wow, that's a great shot; up close and personal. :-)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Willard: What a great shot of the neat Moose, I was so surprised to this animal in the PA woods. LOL
You had some neat captures on your trip.
BTW: I have enjoyed the vedios but am only done with one. You have some great shots on the DVD's.

Arija said...

Another great photo from you, I do love following your posts.

Unknown said...

Great pic. It must be such an experience to get so close to to the moose to take such a photograph.

Kerri Farley said...

WOW! I would love to experience seeing one of these guys!!

Anonymous said...

Those are absolutly beautiful! Good work!