
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Camera Critters: Male Cardinal

Cardinals are favorite visitors at bird feeders. Here a male cardinal perches atop a natural feeding station.

Canon 40-D: 100-400mm at 285mm

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  1. He's resting in an interesting position, as if he's ready to take off at any second. He looks so alert.

  2. Beautifully composed shot Willard.
    His wonderful red color against the blue sky made a terrific shot.

    Your really captured those little claws digging into the wood.

  3. So wonderful! A powerful camera is really needed for pictures like that.

    My CC post is here. Happy weekends!

  4. Great shot. I love seeing the bird clinging to the wood. lovely.
    happy CC!

  5. Wonderful capture! Very nicely done.

  6. one of the best close-ups I've seen!!

  7. A great capture! We don't get those here.

  8. A very nice photo. Natural feeding stations are such a wonderful idea. That makes a much better photo of the subject.

  9. I've missed the last few of your posts, and, of course, they are all wonderful. I love the cardinal on the snag.

  10. the red is so pretty against the wood.

  11. I saw my first cardinal yesterday .. its been a while! Spring weather here today, too. If it would only last.

  12. beautiful - the light is catching the gleam in his eye!

  13. This is a beautiful shot Willard. I wonder if the cardinals are only seed eaters. It looks like it from their beaks.

  14. This is a great capture. I actually (well I think anyway) that I saw one of these cardinals yesterday at the botanical gardens here in Honolulu. HA!! Wonder if it truly was a cardinal. It was super red like yours. Unfortunately I was having a macro day and didn't have time to change to my 70-200 before it flew off ... But it was a cool sighting anyway... What a wonderful shot you have here.. :)

  15. AH! now I have been told what kind of bird this is excellent shot !!

  16. Joan,
    To the best of my knowledge they only eat seeds.

  17. I am with you on liking cardinals. I have up to three males here of an evening eating either peanuts or cracked sunflower seed. their females are usually in the vicinity. They are one of the last birds to eat here and the chickadees are among the first to eat in the morning.

  18. I have been looking for an old post for a have just encouraged me to get more active on this project.

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