Saturday, August 8, 2009

Camera Critters: Close Encounter With Whitetail Fawn

As my main photographic subjects are Whitetail Deer and Elk, here are two fawn photos, which were taken early on the morning of July 25th with the 70-200mm lens. I am almost certain that this is the same fawn that was featured in the post of June 27th, "Close And Personal With A Whitetail Fawn.

For more Camera Critters photos, Click Here!


Hootin Anni said...

That last photo just melts my, so every way.

My 1st time ever, to participate in Camera Critters. Come see my fur baby at Christmas. Happy Weekend.

jabblog said...

Beautiful! They have such soft eyes and wonderful noses.

JD and Max said...

Oh wow - such gentle faces, really melts your heart. Gorgeous photos! :)

Anya said...

Beautiful shots,
looks so peaceful :)

Misty DawnS said...

It has been too long since I've managed to find time in my hectic mess called life to visit other blogs. How happy I am to not only find some time to visit, but to also view these gorgeous photos of my second favorite animal!!!

Dina said...

What IS it about fawns that make them utterly irresistible and adorable?!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot! I almost snapped deer crossing the road in front of us last night. But, they were too quick. They are beautiful creatures.

Pam said...

That is up close and personal! Lovely shots.

Carletta said...

As always Willard you show us some extraordinary shots of this beautiful youngster!

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos! How could anyone harm this precious creature???

Snap said...

Look at that beautiful face. Those eyes! Look at that soul looking back! Wonderful!

JunieRose2005 said...


Very beautiful!!


Anonymous said...

These are so precious, Willard. There is something about a baby's face no matter if it is a human child or an animal.

imac said...

They are so cute Willard, wonderful photography.

i beati said...

more lovely calendar photos

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, Willard, this little guy is perfect. And I don't see a single fly or mosquito bothering him. What a face. It might be a her for all I know and if so then she is a doll. She is as clean as a new pin.

Coy Hill said...

These are a couple of your best fawn shots ever bro, Beautiful!

sweetbay said...

Beautiful pics!!

mimi said...

i love his color. very lovely.

Larry D said...

Awesome photos!

Miranda said...

Ohh I love these. I get deer running around here alot too. Gorgeous critters!

Elaine said...

Stunning photos! Beautiful animals.

My first Critters, nice to meet you.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Willard: Neat shots of the fawn. I was headed up to see the Elk herd but the traffic on 80 was so bad I turned around. Maybe another time.

Peggy said...

With only a 200mm, you had to be thrilled to be this close! Wow! That's quite a close encounter! Excellent shots!

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

talk about a perfect looking animal art!

Tim Rucci said...

What a great experience you had. These are adorable photos of the fawn. The 2nd one is priceless. Thanks for sharing a look at them.

Leedra said...

Precious, both photos are wonderful.

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