
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Camera Critters: Eastern Woodchuck

The Eastern Woodchuck is the bane of farmers and gardeners alike as they have voracious appetites and consume many types of vegetation.

This animal; however, was a welcome visitor at the backwoods bird feeding station this past week, when he provided a wonderful photographic opportunity as he was illuminated by the rays of the late evening sun.

Eastern Woodchuck: a.k.a Groundhog

There is a controversy as to whether woodchucks can climb trees, but I have seen them do it often during my years afield. They sometimes do it to survey the countryside for danger. as this chuck is doing, but it was there in the first place because of the feeding station, which is concealed in the snag.

Woodchuck Looks For Danger While Raiding Birdfeeder

For more Camera Critters photographs, Click Here!


  1. Cute little pests! Wonderful photo.

  2. love your blog!! Inspirating for us amateurs..

  3. They are always cute when they are NOT in my yard. Great photos and you are correct in saying they have voracious appetites. We have had to fence off most of our plants to keep these little critters from eating every plant and flower we have.

  4. I've never met a kind of this little cute friend in person!He is adorable and your pictures are so beautiful.
    Happy camera critters
    purrs and love
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  5. They are the banes of equestrians too. Those burrow entries are LARGE. When we lived in PA you had to have a set path to go through if you went any faster than a walk on horseback. One time my Jack Russell Terrier fell head first into a burrow as she was running. lol

  6. Excellent shots! I usually see them scurrying along. They aren't usually posing for me. :)
    I linked to you today in my post I hope you don't mind.
    Round The Bend.

  7. Cute little face! I like the tones of brown between the little woodchuck and the tree trunk! Nice photos!

  8. is my friend is my very first sighting of them... I have heard of them before.. but never seen one. Yes they could be concidered cute.. like the 'greys' in the post below.. but they look as if they are 'built for purpose'... thanks Willard for showing me my 1st Chuck..

  9. I don't believe I have ever seen one of those before. Cute fellow. Helen

  10. He is so cute!! Great photos. He reminds me of our groundhogs. I love them. They eat a lot of our sunflower seeds, but that's OK, everyone needs to eat.

  11. they are cute arn't they? we have Rock chucks here

  12. You always have the best wildlife photos I have seen anywhere. Thanks for sharing our State's infamous critter with the world. :) My entry for today is a bit smaller.

  13. I've also see them climb on numerous occasions...Wonderful photos Willard!

  14. Fantastic shots of this woodchuck I must admit I have never heard of this animal before thanks for sharing BTW I am really like your new camera very cool hope you take lots of great shots with it :))

  15. Superb portrait of this cute little bugger. Looks like you posed him!

  16. As usual, you have an interesting post here, and wonderful photos to go with the info.
