
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Camera Critters: An Encounter With A Woodcock

I seldom get to see these birds as they are very elusive in my area, but as I was driving a backcountry road sometime ago, I saw one by the roadside.  Unfortunately one could not shoot from inside the vehicle as there was too much intervening vegetation from that perspective, so I opened the door on my Ford Bronco and while still standing in the truck, leaned forward over the V made by the open door, all without losing my balance and falling out of the truck.  Try doing that with a 500mmF4 or bigger lens sometime and you will find that it is very difficult.


Woodcock Walking Away

None of the photos are as good as I would have liked, but they are the only woodcock photos I have taken since changing from film to digital in 2003.

For more Camera Critters photographs, Click Here!


  1. Wow, I think they are fantastic shots. What a neat looking bird. It would be lifer for me.

  2. OUTSTANDING! Glad you didn't fall out of the truck! I once pulled over on a gravel road and climbed on top of my Durango to take a landscape photo. hehe The things we photographers do ;-)

  3. Don't be hard on yourself Willard. I see the rest of us think you did I wonderful job heavy camera and all.
    I like the first one with the wonderful detail of the feathers.

    Just moments ago I caught a glimpse of a doe and her fawn at the corner of the nearby woods. Wish me luck in the coming days. :)

    (Carletta's Captures)

  4. Given the elusiveness of this bird,these are excellent.

  5. Brilliant shots! And what a pretty bird.

  6. Looks like a couple of nice catches to me!

  7. I think they`re great shots Willard! I`ve only seen woodcock a few times when out hunting with the labs.

  8. Wow!! These are both terrific shots, Willard! Better than the ones in my National Geographic field guide even.

  9. Sharp details and crisp image Willard.

  10. Amazing photo, Willard. As stated above, wonderful detail!

  11. This bird is new to me. Thank you for the introduction. So nice.
