
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Camera Critters: Springtime In The Meadow

Springtime in a backwoods Pennsylvania meadow. On clear mornings, it is so beautiful and peaceful to be on station at dawn, listening to the birds singing, watching wildlife activity as the day arrives.  Deer are usually there at dawn, but they usually leave the meadow around sun-up and go to the nearby woodlands to escape the heat of mid-day.

Whitetail Herd At Dawn

The two year old and three year old bucks that I have been posting periodically to demonstrate antler development have evidently left for good as they have not been seen since the morning of May 17th. With their dispersal my attention has shifted to documenting the pregnant does and anxiously awaiting the arrival of the fawns. 

Pregnant Whitetail Doe

While fawns are born in a period ranging from mid-May until mid-June, most in this individual herd usually give birth within a few days of June 8th.

The Abdomens Are Huge
Photographing wildflowers is an excellent way to wring some more satisfaction out of a morning, after the deer have left for the day.  Today's flower is a Beard-tongue, but I am not sure which variety of this species that it is.


For More Camera Critters Photos, Click Here!


  1. Top picture looks so tranquil with the low lying mist. Anything with a mystical element deserves a star in my book,well done.

  2. Your pictures and words here touch the heart, deep down.

  3. Willard: Beautiful captures of the deer herd. That flower is really neat.

  4. Beautiful early morning shots, the best time of day! The deer look so peaceful.

  5. Beautiful shots of the deer, I lvoe the first shot with the deer and the fog. Very Nice!

  6. Sometimes it is so worth getting up early in the morning! Lovely photos, Denise!

  7. Fabulous photos, you are right - lovely does. Thank you for visiting My Muskoka !

  8. Lovely images and words Willard!

  9. you are so lucky to see them first thing in the morning,they surely make your day. :)

    My Camera Critters

  10. what lovely photos of the white tailed deer

  11. Love that first,misty picture.Did you see on our blog,how we found a new born Fawn this past week?What a thrill that was.

  12. You know I love your deer photos but that closeup of the flower is gorgeous!
    Looking forward to seeing your fawn images. :)

  13. These are beautiful shots. I especially like the first one with the fog(or mist?). I found you through Camera Critters, and I am lovin your site. Your photography is fantastic.

  14. That first photo absolutely took my breath away and left me sitting there thinking I definitely need to stop sleeping in on the weekends! WOW that's gorgeous!
    I think it's so exciting how you get to watch and monitor the progression of the animals, from antlers to pregnancy. What an awesome job you have, my friend.
    I'm glad you told me the name of that flower, because I have a photo of a member of the species, but had no idea what it was called.

  15. Willard I love that first shot where the fog is rising beautiful :))

  16. That macro Beard-tongue is very interesting! Great detailed shot!
    The deer bellies are cool too, as I see does, I check their bellies, but when it's this time of year, I never see them. I too am patiently waiting for fawns!

  17. I love the mist in the first photo. Wonderful deer photos! The last picture is amazing. Great detail.

  18. The top photo is amazingly beautiful, all those deer in the mist. I love the very early morning in summer. It's the best part of the day!
