
Saturday, November 13, 2010

E-Mail From Paul Staniszweski: Change In Visitor Center Operation Schedule

The following is a letter to the editor so as to speak, which was sent in the form of an e-mail.  This is from Paul Staniszweski, a retired educator who is currently a Pennsylvania Wild Juried Artist and a volunteer at the Elk Country Visitor Center.

Willard, I would like to comment on your blog: First of all, I would like to go back to October and the dedication of the Elk Country Visitors Center.... At that time, I mentioned that there was a noticeable absence of any representation from the PA Game Commission... Everyone that I talked to said that the reason was that there is an ongoing conflict between the Game Commission and the management of the Keystone Country Elk Alliance.... In my opinion, I think that more is involved. I feel that the vast majority of attendees to the "grand opening" were against the elk hunt and the Game Commission didn't want to have to answer questions about the hunt being unethical and giving new meaning to the word "sportsmanship". In truth, I believe the the PGC is embarrassed about the hunt and they know that it is a joke.... And the PGC knows that this hunt amounts to "shooting fish in a barrel".

Acclimated Bulls Sparring On Winslow Hill: Photo by Paul Staniszewski

The following are concerns I have about the hunt:

  • The elk hunt should NOT be promoted as a trophy event.
  • The "no hunt zone" needs to be extended to include Winslow Hill (I Understand that bugling was going on there throughout the hunt).
  • The elk hunt does not need to be an annual event, but conducted on a "need to have" basis.

Willard, again, these are only my thoughts and now I will get off my soapbox... Sorry for the long post...


Paul also informs us that the days and hours of operation of the Visitor Center have changed.

"The management of the visitors center has announced a change in their hours and days of operation for the upcoming months as follows: For November and December, it will be closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and for the open days, the hours will be 9:00 AM til 5:00 PM.... And for January, February, March,
and April it will be open on Saturdays and Sundays only from 9:00 AM til 5:00 PM."

Originally posted at Pennsylvania Wildlife Photographer by Willard Hill


  1. Thanks for posting this info..
    It's great that you shared the new hours, because I know some who will be going up there (in winter) during the week to see the center.

  2. I guess many of us have the same views on hunting elk in Pa. Niow if the right poeple would just listen.

    I was wondering what they would do for hours and operation s at the visitors center. Other than the rut people can be scarce in town and for those of us that have been there we have no reason to go in every time we visit the tame elk. It is a noce place but I still have mixed emotions about it.

    It was great to see you and Billy last week. It did not go as I expected but I still had fun and always enjoy seeing everyone. I am sorry I didn;t get to say goodbye to you guys. I was working that 8 point in the meadows and turned aroud to find bucks all over you guys.

    Take care, Brad

  3. Thanks for sharing that news Willard, and nice shot of those sparring elk!

  4. Willard.... As always, your blog is very well written and the information is relevant and up-to-date. Also, I would like you to know that all of the people concerned with preserving and protecting the elk herd appreciate all that you do
