
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Paul Staniszewski Featured In Art Exhibit

Today (Thursday May 3, 2012) at 3:30PM, State Representative Matt Gabler (R - Clearfield/Elk)will hold a press conference at his DuBois Office, where he will announce the opening of a solo art exhibition by Paul Staniszewski that will last for the next six months.

Young Bulls On Winslow Hill: Photo by Paul Staniszewski-all rights reserved

The display will include eight elk and a half dozen flower photographs. Since his district includes Elk County and Benezette they will also be talking about the elk herd and Paul plans to discuss elk management issues--especially the need to expand the "No Hunt" zone to include all of Winslow Hill.

If you are in the area, you are invited to stop by and view his artwork.

Originally published at Pennsylvania Wildlife Photographer by Willard Hill.

1 comment:

  1. Willard... Thanks for posting... You are to be commended for your efforts to protect and promote the elk herd for present and future generations.
