
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Introducing Dan Gomola

Interest in serious wildlife photography seems to be steadily increasing.  When I first visited Pennsylvania Elk Country, it was very rare to see photographers with professional grade equipment, but now there is a thriving photographic community that gathers on Winslow Hill each year. I always enjoy meeting or corresponding with fellow photographers so it was a pleasure to receive an e-mail from.Dan Gomola, who is an excellent photographer from Western Pennsylvania.  Dan loves to photograph the flora and fauna of Pennsylvania Elk Country, as well as other areas of special interest such as Gettysburg National Military Park, McConnell's Mill, and Moraine State Park.

Dan Gomola

You may see Dan's work by visiting his Website, which  features several photo galleries including Nature and Wildlife, Landscape & Historic, and A Good Day At The Lake, along with video clips of Pennsylvania elk. To view the website click the above link or click  Dan's portrait.

Dan's favorite prime lens is the Canon 300mm F2.8, which he uses with the Canon 1.4XEF III extender, and  Canon 2xEF III extender when the need for more reach arises.

According to Dan, "Many people don't have the opportunity to see wildlife up close.  I've always had a love for animals big and small and like to show that in my photos.  If I can help someone have that same admiration for our wildlife and landscape, it was worth it to me to go out for hours to get that one photo." 

Originally published at Pennsylvania Wildlife Photographer by Willard Hill


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