
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Pennsylvania Elk Season Results-2013

Character Bull "Limpy" Most Likely Survived

I did not go to Pennsylvania Elk Country to cover elk season this year, and while there has been quite a bit of statistical information available about the hunt results, there has been little to no information available as to the impact on the bulls that most who photograph at the Winslow Hill viewing areas are used to seeing. 

We wish to thank Jeff Thomas for sending us the following report late Friday evening. 

"As of 2:30 this afternoon all the bull tags and 52 of the cow tags were filled.I saw the first 22 bulls and heard the last 3 were not very large, so it looks like Limpy and the U bull have made it through again. I will be posting 2 pictures on face book of bulls that will  not be back for next years rut.They only got 25 bulls because one of the bull tag holders did not show up. They don't know if he had moved or did not want to hunt.Will keep you posted if I hear anything else."

The first bull Jeff is referring to is one that was known by some as "The Field Bull" because for a time he was one of the most commonly seen bulls in the upper field at the Gilbert Viewing Area. He was also seen in "The Saddle Area" and that is where he is shown in the photo below.  Gray Hill is in the background.

Field Bull-Killed Ardell Road Area 2013
Another decent size bull was taken on SGL 311 which is the game lands that surrounds the viewing areas.  I have no information as to exactly what portion of the game lands that he was killed.

7x7 Killed SGL 311 2013
An unusual bull that many have photographed for the past two years appears to have survived elk season this year.  Some refer to it as the "U" bull.  It appears to have the genetics of the "Crazy Legs" strain.  I only filmed him at extreme distance this year and got no still photographs.  Jeff photographed him in 2012, but got no photos this year, so I am posting two of his photos from last year so you can see the antler configuration of this bull.

"U" Bull in 2012

U Bull Likely A Descendant of the "Crazy Legs" Bulls
I will post more information if and when it becomes available.  I also plan to discuss elk management and other controversial subjects such as anthropomorphism in the near future in a View From The Saddle post.

Again, I wish to extend a special thanks to Jeff Thomas for providing the information and several of the photos for todays post.

Originally published at Pennsylvania Wildlife Photographer by Willard Hill.


  1. It is good to see that some of these massive animals lived to enjoy another year.

  2. The regular season ends at the end of shooting hours today, but all of the bull tags have been filled. There is extended season in certain areas next week, but none are close Winslow Hill and since the bull tags are filled the bulls should be OK except for poaching, getting hit by vehicles, etc.

  3. It is always encouraging to hear that a "big one" will likely be available to photograph next year!

  4. Thanks Willard for the info. Appreciate it :)

  5. Thanks for the report! There are a few bulls that I'm curious too see if they made it or not, the big non-typical that was a regular sight at the visitor center in September and the large bull pictured in my last blog post.

    I got some good footage of the bull you're calling the U bull fighting with two other bulls this past September in the upper field of the Gilbert viewing area. It was the first time I had ever seen him.

  6. Grat Reading. INteresting that you can follow some of the big ones....keep us updated

  7. Glad to hear that "Limpy" and 2D survived the hunt...
