Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sky Watch Friday

Another Look At The Moon

Canon 40D: 300mmF4
It seems that the moon in becoming one of my favorite subjects. I arrived at my favorite observation post early last Monday morning and the moon was still shining. I noticed that the trees framed it quite nicely so I took several shots of it and this seemed to be the best one!


Dottie said...

Wow - check out that moon! And the bare trees! I love bare trees. This is an awesome photo! Have a great weekend.

SandyCarlson said...

That moon is loving you back. This is a great shot. (I have been trying to get her but I'm not proficient enough, and night is up and over before I know it! Live and learn--and enjoy the good works of the folks who can get the shot!)

ellen b. said...

Oh so beautiful framed in the tree branches..

dot said...

You got a great shot! I never get tired of the moon.

Patty said...

There is something so awesome about a moon! Great shot

sonia a. mascaro said...

Fantastic and mysterious photo!

Sharon said...

That is a wonderful picture of the moon! I love the way you framed it.

Unknown said...

Incredibly beautiful!

Lori said...

This is absolutely enchanting. I love it...

Lilli & Nevada said...

The moon has a picture frame how beautiful

Lilli & Nevada said...

The moon has a picture frame how beautiful

Angie said...

Superb,awesome,wonderful,shall I go on?

Daniel J Santos said...

That's a beautiful moon photo, excellent.

ArneA said...

The moos is always drawing our attention to its mysteries. Remember the astronauts fight to go there and back again

Anonymous said...

Very well framed. Moon catches the eye at once, but the bae tree makes one look again.

Tom said...

Great Picture Willard..
Never get tired of seeing the moon, as soon as the weather get a bit warmer I'll be sat out trying my hardest to capture it myself.

FO - 2 said...

Very good capture! :)

Marie said...

WOW! I love it!

Randi said...

I love to take picture of the moon, but it is so difficult. I cant blame on the camera..( Nicon D80)...
Your moon was a beauty!!

lv2scpbk said...

Love the photo. Looks like we should be walking on a Halloween night and have the wolves howling.

VĂ­ Leardi said...

This is just, and simply beautiful..
I do think a good camera and experienced eye makes a difference..

Juliana said...

Nice shot you have.

Hope you visit mine also :D Thanks

Daryl said...

Really nice .. really

Kerri Farley said...

Perfect framing! Another great shot!

Carole said...

I really like the shade of midnight blue you captured here.

DeeMom said...


Uma por Dia said...

This are the kind of photos that i like more, and your is beutiful. Great job you have :)

bcmomtoo said...

Wow! I love the way you got the trees in there to frame the moon. I always have a hard time getting any detail on the moon when I try to get anything else in my picture. This one is beautiful.

chanpheng said...

Nice framing and great detail on the moon.

Robyn Jones said...

LOve this shot! Very spooky!

Petunia said...

Bewitched by the moon!

Berit T said...

Beautiful!! I love the moon and naked tree!

Sharon said...

That is just beautiful.

Misty DawnS said...

Awesome - I love your photos of the moon!

Mike's Travels said...

Beautifully framed with the dark branches.

Alexander said...

Nice capture of the moon.
Lovely shot!

Alex's World! -

Luiz Santilli Jr said...


Look my sky at BOA LEITURA

Travis said...

You have encouraged me to try shooting the moon. Thanks for sharing your photos.

Andree said...

I am so grateful for you putting your lens and settings because when my Canon comes in mid-April, I can return, use your settings, and just maybe become as good as you! My SWF is here. Thank you.

TR Ryan said...

What a photo! Congratulations on a perfect Skywatch post. The geometry of that moon is haunting.