We spent last weekend with our daughter Amy. She loves nature photography, so she accompanied me on Sunday morning when I traveled to Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area in Lancaster County for a morning of waterfowl and general wildlife photography.
The area is best known for the massive migrations of Snow Geese and Tundra swans, but this activity was over and only a few of these species remained. We were hoping to photograph the many species of ducks that visit the area and did have some success. Perhaps the biggest problem with Middle Creek from a photographer's standpoint is getting close enough for satisfying close-ups, even when one uses the big telephotos.
A fellow blogger recently inquired as to when Great Blue Herons arrive in Pennsylvania, and I didn't know the answer. We saw three on this trip (I could only get two in the photo at once), so they are here by early April, but I don't know if they return sooner.

To see our daughter's photos visit Ash's Eye on the World.
For more Camera Critters photographs, click Here!
For more Camera Critters photographs, click Here!
You have some great shots of the birds! Especially the gobbler struting that you posed Wednesday.
Wonderful coloring on the Swallows and the Heron feeding is always an amusing pose, I find them feeding here on the small brookies and it's always a delight... your photos are outstanding, as always!
The birds are so beautiful, you captured them so well..
What beautiful photographs you have! I especially love the first photo. Thank you for sharing.
Willard: Very nice wildlife captures, I will be posting a heron rookery after noon.
I loved your wildlife photos. Beautiful. Thanks so much!
Those are wonderful photos of the bird wildlife..
I like the one of the Blue Heron feeding..
The Blue Herons are back at St Marys or so I heard.
I like your Tree Swallows.
wonder what they are all saying
The swallows on the line is great...somebody looks like they are being scolded for being late!
The White House
Great captures! Does the 1.4 extender mean that the 500mm f/4 lens effectively becomes a 700mm f/5.6?
The tree swallows are an amazing capture.
That first shot is the money shot! Excellent capture!
I especially love the photos of the great blue herons! That's on my wish lis for 2009: capture a great blue heron with my camera. ;-)
wow two herons, we hace them here but I have NEVER seen two together Awesome
Plus Awesome photos
wow two herons, we hace them here but I have NEVER seen two together Awesome
Plus Awesome photos
These are a very enjoyable series of nature shots, such great photos!
Top photo is my fave - absolutely love the movement of the wings on the one bird.
They look like they're about to fight.
Close or not Willard you got some great shots. My favorites are the first - lover's quarrel- and the last one of the two herons.
Loved your turkey shots below. One has made an appearance in my backyard this week. I got some shots today - probably next week's Camera Critters. :)
I checked out Amy's site and left her a message - she learned from her Dad I see. :)
Have a wonderful Easter Willard!
That's an amazing shot of the Tree Swallows. I love your heron photos. Went back to the river this evening, but didn't see any. Then, on the way home, I noticed one standing on a rock in the middle of a stream. It would have been an amazing photo, but it was too dark outside and there was no place to pull over!
i'm always fascinated with the ducks swimming. thanks for sharing and great series of photos. happy easter!
Willard : Getting those Swallows in frame is such a challenging task given the fact that they are such swift flying birds. You have done extremely well in getting that action shot. Congrats.
wowzastic lol great shots Willard.
The 1st looks like mr and mrs are having a few words to each other causing a fltter.lol.
I absolutely love the first shot of the tree swallows. All the photos are great, though.
Those 2 tree swallows looked like they were squabbling - such a great photo!! All your photos today were so beautiful!!
Willard Those tree swallows really look like they are having a heated discussion :) Nice shots I really like the first one :)
Great shots bud. You're right it is very hard to get close enough for good shots.
Hello WIllard. Do you also have herons there which make a circle with their wings in order to shied some of the water from the sunlight? This makes it easier for them to spot prey. That probably sound like a wierd description. LOL!! But if you have seen them do it then you will know what I mean.
How wonderful to have your daughter have the same interests as you so you can share these times together.
Great shots. wonderful to spend time out with our families.. so much better than going to the movies or town...
I have always liked your work Willard.. and your writing. The picture of the Tree Swallows is fantastic and really inspires me to try my best to capture on camera the Swallows and Martins that visit us each summer.
I have noticed them doing that here, but perhaps I have not been in the right place at the right time. I can't rule out that the birds here do it too.
Makes one wonder what the Tree Swallows were saying to each other.
Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra
Love the swallows. Look like the one is yelling at the other one for getting on his turf.
That first shot is spectacular!
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