We spent last weekend with our daughter Amy. She loves nature photography, so she accompanied me on Sunday morning when I traveled to Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area in Lancaster County for a morning of waterfowl and general wildlife photography.
The area is best known for the massive migrations of Snow Geese and Tundra swans, but this activity was over and only a few of these species remained. We were hoping to photograph the many species of ducks that visit the area and did have some success. Perhaps the biggest problem with Middle Creek from a photographer's standpoint is getting close enough for satisfying close-ups, even when one uses the big telephotos.
A fellow blogger recently inquired as to when Great Blue Herons arrive in Pennsylvania, and I didn't know the answer. We saw three on this trip (I could only get two in the photo at once), so they are here by early April, but I don't know if they return sooner.

To see our daughter's photos visit Ash's Eye on the World.
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For more Camera Critters photographs, click Here!