April 12, 2011
Release #045-11
HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners today gave final approval to hunting and trapping seasons and bag limits for 2011-12, including big and small game seasons and furbearer seasons.
The Board also adopted antlerless deer license allocations for the 22 Wildlife Management Units, and are listed in the article below.
For those unable to view the webcasts, a three-part “on-demand” video recording of the staff reports from April 11 and today’s Board actions can be viewed by going to/pennsylvaniagamecommission and clicking on the “April 2011 Board Meeting” icon.
The remainder of the News Release 045-11 gives a detailed summation of seasons and bag limits, which may be read by clicking here:
Release 045-11.
The following is an article and commentary by me, describing the discussion of the elk situation on the Webcast as I understood it.
Winlsow Hill Herd To Be Targeted: Photo by W.Hill |
A very small portion of the April 11th webcast concerns the Pennsylvania elk herd. According to Dr. Chris Rosenberry the elk herd is increasing overall, and is stable in some areas, but the Winslow Hill herd is the largest sub-herd and it has increased the most of any since last year. As a result the PGC has recommended that the harvest in Hunt Zone 2 be doubled from last year's allocation. This year 12 cows and 4 bulls, YES FOUR Bulls, will be legal targets near the viewing areas on Winslow Hill. This of course does not count the Governor's Conservation Tag bull, which of course can be taken there also ,for a total of 5 Yes Five possible bulls killed in the center of elk related tourism. It is unclear at this point if this recommendation was finalized at this meeting.To underscore the importance of the Pennsylvania Elk Herd to the PGC, Rosenberry's elk presentation was an astonishing 1 min. 35 seconds long, before he moved on to the deer.
If approved, this leads one to question just what level of commitment the PGC does have to elk related tourism on Winslow Hill. Why double the number of bull permits in this area to control the population? One can be certain that it will not be raghorns that will be killed!
Originally posted at Pennsylvania Wildlife Photographer by Willard Hill