Early Moonrise: Canon 5D MK III-Canon 70-200mm f2.8 IS II L@145mm-ISO 100-1/640 sec. f8 |
I intended to post more photos from last week's trip
to Pennsylvania Elk Country long before this, but the laptop that I
ordinarily use to post crashed. While I have several computers this one
was organized for posting and cruising the internet (I try to keep the
computers I use in serious photo, audio, and video work off of the
internet as much as possible). That being said, I don''t think the
problem was caused by the internet as in my experience malware cannot
cause hardware failure and this computer failed in more than one area.
On the last use it performed as expected, but when I went to use it
again it had turned off (I had put it in sleep mode, but now it was
completely dead). When I hit the button to power up, the fan would run
but nothing else. No Logo or option to go into the bios--just a black
screen. At this point I wasn't too alarmed because if the boot sector
of the disk is damaged it is still possible to access by at least two
methods and recover most if not all of the data, but this was not
possible in this case. The hard drive was completely dead. Even with a
dead drive or no drive installed for that matter one should still get
the start screen. It was not a virus or other malware as that can
corrupt your boot sector or damage files, but it cannot physically
damage hard drive so that it cannot be formatted. The computer was
unplugged as their was a threat of severe thunderstorms and it was
asleep in battery mode. There was no chance that the battery ran down as
it was fully charged and had not been in sleep mode long. As best as I
can figure there had to be a component failure that resulted in damage
to to multiple parts of the laptop. It is four years old and has had
heavy use, so at this point I am awaiting a replacement and using an
audio production computer to post. Now so much for the computer
As I noted in the last post, elk photography
was not as productive as one would hope, but it still was an enjoyable
trip. It was so pleasant just to be afield in the early mornings and
late evenings. One several occasions I went out early in the evening,
got on a good vantage point and just soaked up the beauty of the
countryside. While photos such as the one below may have little
commercial value except to illustrate articles about elk and elk
habitat, I can seldom resist taking them, In fact I usually take a
photograph from this spot each time I am there. In this case I waited
until shortly before sundown so that the sunlight had that special cast
and the shadows of late evening molded the terrain and made the ridges
and valleys stand out.
Pennsylvania Elk Country: Canon 5D MK III-Canon 17-40mm f4@40mm-ISO 100-1/500 sec. f5 |
Ron "Buckwheat" Saffer was also in elk country and he
was enthusiastic about the many opportunities to photograph birds that
presented themselves. I always like to see birds and since I
concentrate on filming I usually end up getting a lot of video, but few
if any good still shots. At any rate it was common to see, Bobolinks,
Bluebirds, Meadow Larks, and various types of sparrows, along with many
other species. I didn't take one good still photo of birds with the MK
III. I was with Buckwheat when he photographed a Killdeer. I took
mostly video, but at one point I mounted the 500mm F4 and took a RAW
photo with the GH3.
Killdeer: Panasonic GH3-Canon 500mm f4 IS L-ISO 200-1/200sec. f? |
One must use a special adapter to use the L lenses on
the GH3. They are manual focus on this camera and only partial
meta-data is recorder. It does show the ISO and shutter speed selected,
but as the lens does not communicate with the camera it does not record
the lens info such as brand, f stop, focal length, etc. It is not hard
to remember what lens is used, but unless one keeps notes, remembering
the f stop, etc. is out--at least for me.
I had an
excellent encounter with a meadow lark on Thursday morning, but it was
too far for stills so I made still captures of video clips. The first
is with the 500mm and the extended telephoto mode, which gives the lens
an effective focal length of 2,4000mm when once considers the 2x crop
factor of the GH3 sensor and the added 2.4X crop of the extended
telephoto mode.
Meadow Lark: Panasonic GH3-Canon 500mm f4 IS L-ISO 200-2.4x extended telephoto mode |
There is also the option for 2X or 4X digital zoom.
This can be used with the camera either in standard mode or in extended
telephoto mode(ETC). When it is in ETC mode, the 4x looks so bad as to
be unusable, but the 2x looks quite good on the LCD, but it is lacking
when viewing on an HD TV. I ordinarily do not use this setting, but I
was experimenting and as one could expect I got one of the best poses of
the bird singing when I was in the 2X+ETC mode.
Meadow Lark: Panasonic GH3-Canon 500mm f4 IS L-ISO 200-ETC+2X digital zoom |
good lesson to take away from the trip is that it is rewarding to pay
attention to all of nature and not tune out everything but one species,
rather one is well advised to take advantage of all excellent photo
opportunities when they present themselves. Looking back, I did enjoy
the elk photography on this trip, but I find myself thinking more about
the birds and the wildflowers and at least for me, at the end of the day
the most important thing is the memories.
Originally Published at
Pennsylvania Wildlife Photographer by Willard Hill.