After being without a DSLR since July 2nd, since my Canon 40D broke down, it was a relief when UPS delivered a refurbished Canon 30D early Friday morning and I was back in business again.
The 40D is currently at Canon for factory service.
It soon became obvious that there were a few differences between the cameras with the 30D having a smaller LCD, and the viewfinder image not being as bright or large. The 40D was the first of that series of cameras to have the ISO visible in the finder and I found that I missed having this feature.
That being said, I could easily fall in love with this camera, as it performs well. Even though it is rated at 8.2 Megapixels and the 40D is 10.1, the 30D is capable of delivering superb image quality.
I pressed it into service that evening. It felt good to be back in action once again.
The fawns are now eating some plant growth to supplement their mother's milk. As the summer progresses they will continue to nurse, but they graze and browse on plants more and more. One may find them nursing on occasion throughout the autumn, but it is rare and the doe does not permit them to feed for any length of time.
The rabbits are feeding on the succulent grasses in the wildlife meadow, and I was fortunate to capture this one during his brief visit on Friday evening.