7x7 Along Winslow Hill Road |
Today,s post features more photos of bull
elk from the mid-June trip to Pennsylvania Elk Country. While I saw
several cows and calves it seemed that bulls were much easier to see and
photograph. Some had impressive antler growth, but most were young
bulls such as the one in the photo below. This class of bull needs to
get a few more years on him to grow truly impressive antlers, although
they can look quite large to someone used to seeing only whitetail deer.
4x4 Pauses From Grazing |
found another 4x4 grazing in a small opening by the roadside along
Dents Run Road and photographed him with the 7D MKII and the 100-400mm
IS II lens.
4x4 Along Dents Run Road |
It seems especially in the summer, that one can only
see bulls consistently either very early in the morning or late in the
evening. They are usually back in the woods either before the first
rays of the sun touches the meadows, or shortly thereafter in the
mornings and they usually do not emerge again until shortly before
sundown or later and the hotter it is, the more this rule applies. The
bull below was photographed on the first evening of the trip as I found
him feeding along Winslow Hill Road. This photo was taken at ISO 1000
with a Canon 5D MKIII and the 70-200 IS II L lens at f2.8 and 1/50 sec.
shutter speed. This lens and the 300mm f2.8 are my two favorite low
light elk lenses.
4X4 In Low Light-Winslow Hill Road |
One cannot tell from the angle of the photo above but
this bull will be at least a 5x5 as his main beams were beginning to
fork into another set of points. I cannot be certain as bulls with this
general configuration are quite common, but I think I filmed this bull
several miles from this spot on Thursday morning with the GH4, but this
was video only so I cannot post a comparison shot.
next photo was taken at 5:44 a.m. on June 15th and helps make the
point that one needs to be out early. The equipment used was the 5D
MKIII and 600mm F4 IS lens. It was taken at ISO 1000 at 1/60 sec. f4.5.
Bachelor Group Interacting |
The last photo for the day contradicts my advice
somewhat as you did not need to be out extra-early to get it as these
bulls were still in the meadow at 7:08 a.m. on June 16th.
Still Out After Sunrise On A Foggy Morning |
I hope you enjoyed the photographs and remember that the key to success is getting up early and staying out late.
Originally published at
Pennsylvania Wildlife Photographer by Willard Hill