The village of Benezette, Elk County, is located along the banks of Bennett's Branch of Sinnemahoning Creek or River. It is in the core of Pennsylvania's traditional elk range and as such it is not uncommon to see elk in town. For whatever reason, they are mostly bulls, although I have seen cows on occasion.
The elk are usually seen in early morning, or late evening. On the morning of July 22nd, I took a quick trip around top as day was breaking. Fred, also known as Bull No. 36 was already leaving, but I found another bull feeding in a nearby lawn. This bull is quite a bit younger than Fred, but he is getting larger each year, while Fred is now declining from old age.
This bull is already an impressive animal, but he has the potential to get quite a bit larger if he remains in the no hunt zone during season, or does not otherwise meet with harm.
I used ISO 1600 to get a usable shutter speed, as it was still very dark.
Keep checking back for more photos from July's trip.
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