Saturday, August 2, 2008

Benezette Bull

Canon 30-D: 70-200mm F2.8L- 1/40 sec. f 2.8 ISO 1600

The village of Benezette, Elk County, is located along the banks of Bennett's Branch of Sinnemahoning Creek or River. It is in the core of Pennsylvania's traditional elk range and as such it is not uncommon to see elk in town. For whatever reason, they are mostly bulls, although I have seen cows on occasion.

The elk are usually seen in early morning, or late evening. On the morning of July 22nd, I took a quick trip around top as day was breaking. Fred, also known as Bull No. 36 was already leaving, but I found another bull feeding in a nearby lawn. This bull is quite a bit younger than Fred, but he is getting larger each year, while Fred is now declining from old age.

This bull is already an impressive animal, but he has the potential to get quite a bit larger if he remains in the no hunt zone during season, or does not otherwise meet with harm.

I used ISO 1600 to get a usable shutter speed, as it was still very dark.

Canon 30-D: 70-200mm F2.8L- 1/40 sec. f 2.8 ISO 1600

Keep checking back for more photos from July's trip.

Visit Camera Critters for more animal photographs.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Willard: What great captures you have made, these are great bulls with beautiful racks.

Misty DawnS said...

W.O.W.!!! What an absolutely gorgeous and majestic creature! Absolutely stunning.

Kahshe Cottager said...

This is just magnificent! I think I would be intimidated if I saw one of these up close!

Your previous shots of the hawk and rabbit were excellent as well.

My Camera Critters Here and Here

bobbie said...

that looks like one pretty big critter you have there. Wonderful pictures, as always.

ratmammy said...

i am always amazed at these gorgeous photos you take!

kjpweb said...

Amazing - both the shot and the quality at ISO 1600! Great work!
Cheers, Klaus

Kerri Farley said...

WOW! He looks HUGE!! Great shots!

The Birdlady said...

Oh wow! Unbelievable - I've got to see one of those! Your photos might be as close as I ever get, but that's actually pretty darn close! THANK YOU!

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Hi! Bull No. 36 is impressive. He looks hugh and proud. These are great shots. Lisa

Jane Hards Photography said...

He's a magnificent beast. these are excellent shots under the circumtances.

HFD60 said...

Outstanding bull. Those are some great captures there. Very nice.

Louise said...

Quite an animal. Nice pictures.

Anonymous said...

Fred is absolutely beautiful as is the second bull. Elk are such awesome animals.

I was out at the Wildlife Safari today but all the elk were too far away to get a good shot.

Anonymous said...

ISO of 1600 without noise in the darks is amazing. I can't seem to use 800 without noise. I must be doing something wrong.

My best lens is only f4 so that might be my problem. I just don't want to spend more money on more lenses. LOL

I was looking at the lens on my Canon film camera and it is a f1.4 lens. I wish it would fit on my digital cameras.

Your photography is, as always, stunning to me. It would be liked being able to take a picture of a cow. The biggest thing I get to see here is a full grown rabbit.

EG CameraGirl said...

These are wonderful photos. Elk are such regal creatures, at least in the first phot. I guess they must be nosey too. LOL (Or is it eating leaves?)

Willard said...

I think it was just eating the leaves!

Tom said...

That looks to be in great health... great capture Willard look forward to seeing more.

Travis said...

Great captures here. Your blog continues to impress. Great work, wonderful post.

Tommy said...

WOW what an Elk. One of the biggest I have seen. Great job in capturing the pictures. I can not get over how the picture is at 1600.

Jerry in Tampa said...

INCREDIBLE captures Willard! Love the 70-200 - very sharp on the details and the tones are dead on! Amazingly no noise at 1600! EXCELLENT!!!!!

Jerry in Tampa