The whitetail rut is in full swing in Pennsylvania and Virginia. I have been dividing my time between photographing the local whitetail herd and those in Shenandoah National Park. Since "Salty" has been posting a lot of Virginia photos, I will post some of Pennsylvania deer for this week's camera critters.
The does are smaller in our area than most of the Virginia does, which seems to be a hereditary factor as the food sources seem to be of equal quality. in our area fawns are almost never bred in their first autumn and most are two years old before they have their first fawn.
In the photo below a fawn which was born this past June, stands with its' mother and surveys the countryside.
I love photographing the does and fawns while waiting for the bucks to appear. While I see yearling bucks each day, the larger ones do not always appear. Sometimes one may go a day or so without seeing one and it may appear too early or late for good photography, but in this case a decent seven point appeared in mid-afternoon.
This buck is at least 2 1/2 years old and may even be 3 1/2. Deer in this area are small compared to those in states that produce a large number of trophy bucks. Many hunters from this area travel to the mid-western states such as Iowa where they seem to find some extremely large bucks. As for me, I no longer hunt and I am to content to photograph the local herd and what bucks I can find in the National Parks such as The Smokies and Shenandoah.
Click here to view more animal photos from Camera Critters.
Hi Willard,
Wonderful photos as always!
I'm looking at this buck and his face looks so much different than what I see. He reminds me of Santa's reindeer. Guess I have Christmas on my mind too much!
Have a great Sunday!
Just beautiful!
Outstanding. Yu have a real affinity with wildlife.
Beautiful... shooting with the camera is much more rewarding. =)
They might be smaller in size, but they are equal to the task when it comes to posing for pictures. you have captured them in beautiful pose...Thomas
Beautiful photos again Willard. You mentioned being content shooting the doe and fawn. I also photograph the doe and enjoy watching them. But I know some that will only photograph buck. I guess it is the difference in the true love of watching the wildlife or really just wanting to get good photos.
Beautiful Willard....absolutely beautiful!
I don't think I've ever seen a more detailed photo of a doe's profile...the lines of muscles especially appealing. Wonderful pictures!
You always have such wonderful photos!
Willard: Thoas are neat photos of the Whitetails. Your photography is always neat.
To me, the photo is the perfect trophy!
These are incredible photos.
Beautiful photos, Willard.
Willard, The rut is going here as well. Our bucks however are making themselves very noticed. and pairing off to tend their chosen doe.. seems to be a game of stamina at this point. Got to photograph a very violent fight between two old warriors the other evening, but (pout) it was almost dark and the photos did not turn out very well. pretty grainy and blurred, but we will enjoy them as well as the memories anyhow~ Beautiful images as always. and thanks for posting the does also.. they are a critical part of this age old ritual ...
It is a JOy for me to meet one who now only shoots with his camera!
The closest I've ever been to a mother and fawn..thank YOU!
Handsome 7 pt
wonder post. Love the pictures of the deer you have been posting. The mule deer here in Colorado are also in rut and I have been getting lots in the back yard.
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