I had actually loaded the camera equipment in the vehicle and was leaving, when I drove past another portion of the meadow and saw another segment of the herd in bright sunlight so I got out again and captured this nursing scene.

Both photos were taken with the 500mmF4. I would have preferred a slightly shorter focal length in the last shot, but I had gone into action quickly and carried no other lenses with me.
I hope to visit as many of your blogs as possible, but I am having major problems with my primary Internet browsing computer, which should make for an interesting post in itself in the near future. At least the computers that I do most of my photo work and video production are working O.K.
For more animal photos, Click Here!

I hope to visit as many of your blogs as possible, but I am having major problems with my primary Internet browsing computer, which should make for an interesting post in itself in the near future. At least the computers that I do most of my photo work and video production are working O.K.
For more animal photos, Click Here!

Seeing any young animal nursing makes me wonder how anyone could ever hunt. :0
Excellent shots Willard.
Hope your PC troubles are cleared up soon.
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
Great captures. Elks are impressive animals!
how cute nursing her baby. ",)
I hope your computer problems sort themselves out as I know how frustrating that can be. Your photos of the Elk are fantastic. I remember seeing them in Yellowstone and it was a real thrill for me to be in their own backyard. I didn't know until I discovered your blog that they are also in Pennsylvania.
Your photos are wonderful. This kind of shooting of these beautiful critters I understand! :D :D
Always a wonder to visit you Willard, super shots and sooo cute.
Willard: Outstanding photos of the calf.
excllent i so look forward to your work sandy
Willard Stunning shots the calf looks very hungry :)
Very nice! Love your blog!
Well captured Willard... I agree with Carletta's comment... it was coming across sights such as this that stopped me hunting in the small way I did.
My blogs today show the Three Stags Heads Inn and 2 Magpies On A Bench
Beautiful photo, Willard!
Thanks for the comments on my blog. We are doing well. I hope you are too.
And YES, the fawn picture printed out wonderfully. It is just beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing it with me.
Did the flower photo I emailed you print okay?
Take care
I love coming here! You express your story so well, with excellent images as you narrate!
I really think it is just fantastic that the elk herds are able to nurse and go about their business without being harmed. At least there is this time of year when they feel secure in their environment. Good for you for taking their photographs.
Yes, the anonymous bloggers create lots of problems and for that reason, as you read on my blog, i no longer accept their comments.
I was also interested in hearing and reading your story about that.
Great shots of the elk calf -- and a really awesome series of the bulls in the previous post.
Hope you get your computer problems sorted out.
I'm always behind, but it's rarely due to the computer. But the computers are a pain. I have an internet-dedicated one because it can't help but crash when one visits a lot of sites. I can wipe it clean and start over with no major damage and nothing lost.
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