To be honest, Winslow Hill is not the best place to see mature bulls
during the summer months--especially with the loss of three of the
largest bulls that used this area as summer home range, in the past few
years. With that being said, I did encounter two rack bulls and two
raghorns on the hill during last weeks trip.
The first
that I successfully photographed was a 6x6 or 6x7 if one counts a small
sticker point near the right ear. This was most likely a raghorn last
year and is now in his first year as a rack bull. While very nice
indeed, this is still a small bull for Pennsylvania. I encountered
him in a meadow by the side of Winslow Hill Road on Thursday evening at
8:33 p.m. and stayed with him until nearly dark, taking a lot of still
photos and video footage of him--all with the 5D MK III and 70-200mm f
2.8 IS L lens.
6x6 Winslow Hill: Canon 5D MK III-Canon 70-200mm f2.8 ISO 1250 1/200 sec. f4 |
I was back at the same area at the crack of dawn on
Friday morning, and again I had the 70-200mm attached. At first I saw
two rag horns quite close to the road, but I never did get good stills
of them because as I was trying to set up a good shot, I noticed a large
6x6 coming out of the tree line some distance away. I took two frames
of him, but it was obvious that I needed more power, so I quickly
mounted the 500mm F4 and soon was in action with it. This bull was a
bit shy and stayed close the tree line for most of the encounter. This
was very early and the light was somewhat murky. I used ISO 3200 so as
to have a bit of a safety margin against motion blur.
Large 6x6 Winslow Hill: Canon 5D MK III-Canon 500mm F4- ISO 3200 1/160ec. f4 |
Both of these encounters are prime examples of how
improved noise handling at high ISO settings and larger aperture lenses
are a great aid in wildlife photography. Again I stress that the
statements I make are based on limited experience with this camera and
are not based on tightly controlled tests, but rather on impressions
gained under actual shooting conditions in the field. The first photo
today was of course taken at ISO 1250 and the full resolution file on a
desktop monitor seems as sharp and noise free as one taken at ISO 400 or
less with the 7D. It is acceptable for the most critical usage.
3200 on the other hand is starting to push the limit for something that
you would want to enlarge to great sizes, enter in a photo contest,
submit for publication etc. Digital noise is visible, although I feel
there is no more than is present in the 7D at ISO 800.
Originally published at
Pennsylvania Wildlife Photographer by Willard Hill.
Very well done-I really like the richness that the 5D MK III delivers[ The high ISO capability really shows in these images!
Really nice picture, i love it....
These great pictures show the ability of the lens. Very nice.
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