Friday, May 29, 2015

Saddle Becomes Restricted Area on June 1st

Paul Staniszewski informed me today that he checked The Saddle area out this morning and the signs are now in place declaring it a restricted area from the first day of June until the first day of archery season.

PGC Restricted Area Sign: Photo Courtesy of Paul Staniszewski
According to Paul,  access beyond the main road that circles the area in nonexistent. One of my favorite areas in The Saddle is the very top, which is a superb scenic overlook.  At this point it looks as though access will be denied to this area as well, although I see very few people in that spot during the summer months and it cannot be claimed that the area is overused during this period or that harassment of elk is a problem.

PGC Road To Top Of Saddle Closed To Public-Now Part of Restricted Area: Photo Courtesy of Paul Staniszewski

PGC Designated Trails Sign: Photo Courtesy of Paul Staniszewski
 Below is a  a map that is part of a Brochure Published by the Pennsylvania Game Commission entitled "Equestrian Trail State Game Lands 311. The Saddle Area is in the lower left quadrant of the map. I have indicated where I think key areas are  by placing a red dot and writing in red type so the "Test Hill", Top of Saddle", etc. notations are mine.  I must emphasize I may be mistaken about these locations.  One may download the entire brochure by following this link. and looking for SGL 311.

Map Of  SGL 311 by PGC-Designations In Red Text by W. Hill.
I will try to get more detailed information within the next few weeks and keep readers updated as more information becomes available.

A special thanks to Paul Staniszewski for this report.

Originally published at Pennsylvania Wildlife Photographer by Willard Hill.


Paul said...

Willard... Many thanks for posting...

Woody Meristem said...

Thanks Willard -- it would be really helpful if the PGC would provide a decent map of the area that's actually closed to foot travel so someone coming into the area would have a good idea of where they could go in advance -- instead of having to learn as they walk the roads.